Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Merry Quite Contrary

So, Christmas is upon us.

As the day dawned on the Eve of what most Countries celebrate the day Christ was born, I reflect on the past year and on the fact that just because I am a Christan, there is no need for me to actually celebrate this Holiday.

Before you get your panties in a knot, hear me out.

I love, LOVE Christmas.  The lights, the smells, the hustle and bustle, that people generally become more friendly with the "spirit' of this special time of the year.  And the baking....oh the baking!  I love the traditional reading of Christ's birth story, and the surprises under the tree.

But, even though it's fun, I don't celebrate Christmas because I'm a Christan.  I celebrate it because I'm a Canadian.  It's a great tradition that gets otherwise absent family members together, if only for one day.  It's a good excuse to spend that little bit extra on those you love, just because you can.  It's the wrapping, the delighted laughter, and squeals from the recipients of the gifts you've searched for months (Or days) in advance.

That is what Christmas is about.  So, even though I appreciate those who want to keep 'Christ' in Christmas, it is just another day of the week.

What makes is special this year is that it's on The Lords day, and I'm really looking forward to hearing Gods Word tomorrow, and then spending the rest of the time with our families.

Blessings to you all!

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