Saturday, November 5, 2011

On Being Vexed

You ever have one of those days where nothing goes right, everything goes wrong, and by the end of the day you're praying that the throbbing in your head is actually a blood clot so that it will burst on your brain and releases you from the burdens of this life?  Many ways a simple task can turn into a gargantuan affair.  Especially if you add my 5 to the equation: 

I asked the kids to clean the basement after breakfast.  Sounds simple right?  Then I asked my children to play outside because it was a gorgeous fall day today and since we live in North America we see less sunny days in the next few months and it gets cold, (like your fingers fall off after an hour  if exposed kind of cold) so we take advantage of the good days.  Another request easily followed.  I wish I could be laughing, but right now I'm trying not to burst inside my skull to get this out so the coroner knows that my death wasn't by natural causes. 

Snap jobs are not what my offspring understand.  I tried motivating them with, "There's so many of you, lots of hands make light work."  Eyes were rolling all over the place.  Accusations started.....I feel for my oldest and so he's usually not involved when it comes to the toys in the basement, because he spends almost no time down there, and yet if he does at the time feel sorry for me, *his poor angry mother*, he will then clean rooms by himself.  But this is not good, or healthy, or growth inspiring for my other babies.  During the week, when there's learning to be had, my kids are foaming at the mouth to get away from me and be free from these walls.  Unless it's sunny.  If it's rainy, or cold, or any type of weather any good mom knows could cause her children to be ill, that's when my five want to be out in it.  If it's actually warm and pleasant, they are immediately bored and demand that I do something about it.   I think that God gives us kids so that our mothers feel compensated for their lost youth.

Regardless, today I wanted to ship mine back fed-x style...but instead I swallowed my frustration and put them to bed with a kiss and a hug.  Tomorrow may go the same way, but in the end, I know the little buggers will be out of my house soon enough, and that my friends is why I can sleep tonight.


  1. You know you love them.

    But I do understand how they can drive a momma CRAZY!

  2. I keep replaying over and over in my head, "This too, shall pass." And it does. Eventually.


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