Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fam Damily

I had a really nice visit today with one of my cousins and as we were chatting away, in the back of my mind, I was thinking at how nice it was that we could share a cup'o joe together and be so comfortable in our conversation.  Things were not always this pleasant while we were growing up together.  My cousin is good at reminding me about this.  We couldn't be more different and yet now we have many things we can discuss, laugh about, and agree on.

Amazing what time does for a relationship.

Especially one that has zero expectations.

It's true what 'those that are they' say:  Blood is thicker than water.  I have had many friends come and go through my lifetime, and only one thing has been consistent: Family.  Sure, it's work and effort to see those who live far away, but it's worth it for some relationships to make that exertion to see one another necessary.  Some of those whom I have in my life are not blood-related, and yet they are family because we're adopted into the same spiritual flock.  I am emotionally and knowledgeably tied to a lot of people.  It's pretty daunting actually.

It sure is nice to kick back and reminisce about the good old days with someone you used to pick on for fun throughout your childhood on most holidays while they remind you of that happily, sipping coffee in your living room.  

It's also very good to see someone you thought would turn out a certain way end up surprising you by being someone you want to hang out with.

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