Thursday, January 19, 2012

Riffle Ruffle Snow and Bubbles

We've had a pretty lame year snow wise, however since all I have to compare with living here and where we used to live further North, I really can't complain much.  Last year I guess this City experienced 'Snowmeggedon', a very unusual amount of the white stuff was deposited in a short amount of time and remained for months thereby offering hours upon hours of enjoyment for any Canadian. 

My family was right at home, we got dumped on every year where we used to live.  If I wasn't shoveling out the front door so we can vacate the house, then it was a mild winter.  So, last winter was enjoyable, homey, cozy and pleasant.  This year?  My kids are bored.  This makes me angry.  (Boredom, not the fact that my kids have emotions.)  I can understand the frustration of going outside when it's cold, and there's nothing to play with that makes braving the chilly air worth it.  At least with snow, you can make a snowman, sled, build things from your imagination.  However, no snow means just hard dirt.

Hard dirt is not as fun to slide down.

Yes my kids have attempted numerous times to sled down the dirt hill.  Yes I have stood and watched them, hiding my delight and joy at watching their stubborn determination and grit causing them to try and try again.  Then feigning sympathy when they complain later that their tushies hurt when they are asked to sit still for dinner. Of course, dirt turns into muck and mud, so baths have been plentiful this winter.  I now buy the commercial sized bubble bath, it's cheaper.

There are many similarities between the effort my kids put into things they really want to do, how they react when they don't get what they want, and me.  I have to watch my response when something doesn't go my way, or when I am disappointed by something or someone.  To remain contented with the lot God has given me is challenging and at the same time effortless.  Why? 

Because Christ has won this battle for me, and as He sits in Victory, sin's lost it's curse on me. 

Luke 22:69


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