Monday, September 5, 2011

Are You Hungry?

I have been thinking about this blog, and the blogging world in general. What a wonderful way to express myself, and share my opinion with anyone who cares to read it, although if I'm not careful, what a public way to document my prideful ways. When I was growing up, one of the things I most enjoyed was writing stories, and illustrating them myself. Especially when I was in my early teens. I have roughly 6 unfinished semi-fictional books in my binder from when I was 14-17 years old right now, and tons more on my computers hard drive. Oh yes, this brain never stops. They're all different, set in various themes and time zones, but one thing remains the same:

There is a problem, and a solution to that problem, and there is a process the characters must go through to get to that solution.

Being that we live in an age where everything is at our fingertips with the touch of a button, we're less inclined to actually do real research ourselves. Googling something isn't the same as cracking open a book at the library. Googling is far simpler, but I'm not sure it's better. There's nothing like the feeling of accomplishment, clarity, and joy when you've figured out and discovered the result yourself by hard work and paper cuts.

Which brings me to this question:

Is listening to a second hand sermon from a stranger detrimental to a correct understanding of biblical knowledge?

What brought about this question in my mind was that from the very beginning, God created His people, who make up the body of Christ. What is the body of Christ? Who was given the Authority by Jesus Christ to set up all of the Churches in the first century after Jesus ascended into Heaven? Why were the Churches set up this way? Was there room for adjustment or change or was every Church set up the same?

What complete and full purpose did these Churches fulfill with Jesus Christ as the Head? What complete and full purpose do Churches fulfill now with Jesus Christ as the Head?

What saddens me is that there are too many false Churches who twist scripture to fit mans purpose and plan instead of Gods. (We're all guilty of it. But once the veil has been lifted, and the fruits have been revealed, our attention should be on repentance, and a full about-face toward the truth once more.) This is not me claiming that the Church I belong to is perfect, because it is not. Only Christ is perfect. We have faith that God is doing His work among us, and we are rehearsing for that great and final day when we are seated at Christs table at the wedding supper!!

I rarely have time to read what other people think about biblical theology. I get sent various articles, and when I do read them most times I'm not left with a satisfied heart. Instead, I'm left with questions as to how that person got to that particular thought and what process they went through to get there. It's hard for me to relate to people I have never met. I try, I really do, but ultimately unless I can see and touch and ask questions of that person I struggle with understanding them. What I desire is deep, unaltered, raw, and hard-hitting, a personal reality of the depravity of man and the knowledge of life-giving grace through the Lord Jesus in my friends. I have had and have many acquaintances, who I enjoy talking to, but I don't think our relationship can go much more in depth unless I'm involved in their day-to-day life. I am not discounting pen-pals etc.....but unless there's a knowledgeable commitment to their life, an emotional commitment leads to an easy break-up, de-friending, avoidance altogether. So I ask you, if you're willing to put the time into someone's life by speaking to them, encouraging them, praying for them, do you not owe them your time physically? Sometimes this is not practical, and very rarely do people put themselves out for other people if it takes them out of their comfort zone. But isn't true friendship built upon mutual hard work and trust to maintain and cultivate the friendship? If you don't want another sinner to know your sins, then it's easier to maintain an artificial relationship...but if you want your sins to be prayed for, out in the open, held to the accountability of scripture, then true friends are what you need. I know that is what I need.

For this reason what God has established is complete and perfect for our life right now as we are living it. Of course we are to look toward the future, and of course it's normal to long for it. But, we can also have unity through Christ and a network of real, true, united friends for support in everything we do on a daily basis.....which can only be found in the Church God has placed you first.

Why do I think this? For starters I can not be united with someone who doesn't view the communion table as I do. I just can't. I can love that person, and they can love me, (If they want) but loving someone doesn't bring unity. I'm talking about real unity, never ending, right now, at this moment, not about the unity when we're in the presence of God after death. All we have is this expression of the true thing until there's no longer sin. I can agree to disagree with someone when it comes to homeschooling, because it is not a Church ordinance. The two Church ordinances that God has commanded are Baptism and The Lords table. If I am in disagreement with a fellow Christian on these basic foundational, commanded-by-the-Creator-Himself issues, there is no way I can be united with them on other issues. There is no unity when we agree to disagree, only tolerance and love.

Listening and reading various biblical views (including mine) can pass the time, but my Spirit will only be truly fed by my own God-appointed Leaders as long as their heart is truly humble, pointed to the cross, and not furthering their own agenda but only teaching the truth. If Sunday's sermon isn't all consuming, and you have to supplement it to get more, feel better, or move on to something else, then there is a serious issue. Maybe it's with your Pastor, but most likely the issue is with you, dear Christian.

Why search? Why use other weak-minded peoples opinion to further your personal growth? Why not just pray, and wait on the Lord, sharing what He is teaching YOU from your heart to others? I urge you forgiven-sinner, to write about your own experiences, share from your own heart. I am not suggesting that God can not use others to bless you and convict you by what they write... or else all history books will become useless and this very post is moot. However the true source of blessing and of conviction is from Gods Holy Word, taught from the teacher The Lord has appointed in your local body of Christ where God has placed you. Everything else is just peaking over shoulders into something you don't belong to. That opens the door for dangerous understanding of Gods Holy Word.

The Holy Spirit is at work where He is at work. He doesn't take breaks. Our strength is in Jesus Christ, and our Sovereign God, who knows exactly who belongs to him, and we can rejoice in this comfort. There is also sorrow in this knowledge as well, because many of those we know and love will not be joining us at the marriage supper like they claim, and think.

Prayer is our weapon, and writing them down can be an encouragement to the brethren.

The Church God has established and the Word spoken from the pulpit is our feast, and should give us enough to meditate on, write about and build upon through the week all the while compounding into a snowball-smorgasbord of biblical knowledge to apply to our lives continually.

Our Rest is in Christ alone.

Our responsibility is to follow Scripture.

We're all in an ever-changing process.

What more does a writer need?

1 comment:

  1. A writer needs to learn what an apostrophe is, and how to use it.




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