Monday, October 17, 2011


If the foundation of our relationships are not built on the Lord Jesus Christ and how we worship God, what are they built upon?
Human beings NEED Unity.  We desire it.  A common cause is natural for us.  Look at the history of humanity and you will find a cache of instance's where people make alliance with one another.  There is one who leads and they have followers.  In my short life I have not seen one person stand on their own about anything.  There were always sides, although a natural-born troublemaker has it's privileges, and I embraced my freedom of speech admirably...I think I'm getting better at holding my tongue, but some people are still way too sensitive....still I stood alone while others banded against me.   Proof my resolve is  tungsten, and I can be stubborn.  However my 'alone' was really not all by myself, I am sure in their hearts most agreed with me but were too afraid or too wise to speak out.  Only Jesus Christ stood alone.
Humans band together, finding a shared passion.  We befriend others who share this same fascination, as long as they don't try to change our belief in the process.  Discovery of a shared craze brings joy does it not?  Friendships built on emotion alone don't last, do they.  I know most people find they don't really know the childhood friend they promised to be buried beside as life moved on.  I hold my childhood friends in high regard, but not being involved in their daily life has certainly driven a crater between our worlds.  I'm good with that.  The converted ones I know I will see again, either here, or after my victory because of Jesus.
Humans need one another.  We are emotional creatures, and if we based every action upon our emotions by the time it all catches up with us, we usually just walk away when the going gets rough.  An emotional commitment is not the same as a knowledgeable one.  (1 Thess 3:6-13) Look into your own life, into the lives of those you know and love, and into the lives of those you don't know but are forced to watch on the news all the time.  Babies are murdered.  Children are given away.  Animals are abandoned on a whim, kittens are having kittens while the owner just allows them not realizing the profound impact on others this causes.  Flitting from romantic relationship to relationship, and then if there is marriage after a while divorce follows.  (1 Thess 4:1-13) *I will share my views on divorce on a later date, but FYI I have no issue with divorce if the commitment has been severed  by either party according to what the bible says.*
Church membership can be an emotional commitment....when joining a Church all too often people discount the idea that they are accountable to all the other members, and they are committing their life to that gathered body of believers.  That means time, money, energy and continual study of Gods words that are taught from the pulpit so that you aren't the 'flat-tire' so to speak.  (Matt 18:15-20) I know a few people who refuse to join a Church, and knowing that is above all the command of God I grieve for their blindness.  I also trust that God has His plan, and He is carrying it out.  There's always hope until we're dead.  Then we're dead, and we all know how I feel about death.
Humans need to be recognized, hence the birth of the reward system, Internet, blog world, etc...  We are a proud creature, and since the beginning of time have tried to knock God off His throne.  We never grow out of this need of appreciation from our peers.  Unfortunately, there are many groups that call themselves Christian Churches but are no more than a social club.  Or a drop in center.  Or a seeker-sensitive God loves/everyone/so/we/won't/judge/you/how/you/live/your/life/open/door/group-hug/policy, even if your life reflects nothing but sin.  I am sure the motives of the Inclusive -Church is to just get the pews full.  Get them in and it will save them.  Well, it has compounded into many people who have fooled themselves into thinking they have their ticket for Eternity.  It also neglects the power of the Holy Spirit to call people out when the time is right.  I am not demanding that we don't share the Gospel.  Our very life should scream it.  The neighbourhood God puts us in is the most logical place to discuss this Good News!  You're either build a lasting friendship with the people closest to you or cause them to bevy antithetically opposite you.  Preferentially, they are together, and you are mutual with those who are of the same mind.
Do you see the freedom in knowing this?  By Gods word I am not bound to those who don't agree with me.  I can still show the love of Christ, and in fact I must, it's my duty.
I am content to reach out where I am compelled to, as long as I study Gods word I have no choice but to submit to it's calling.
Only God will fulfill our basic human need perfectly.
The Lord is my Friend.
Have you met Him?

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