Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Question, Be Free!

Recently I engaged in a conversation about forgiveness, and what it is.  Seems it's a hot topic, almost as steamy as the discussions about Hell going around cyber world, but I'll tackle that one another time.  There's plenty of biblical info across the web about forgiveness, and the whole of scripture speaks to this theme.  So I need not go into it too much, at least I'm not compelled to at this time.  However, I will make these points:
  1. God forgave me.  I possess the ability to forgive others.
  2. If I don't forgive others right away, there will be consequences leading to a rottenness decay of relationships and a chance for bitterness to take root in my heart.
  3. Refusing to forgive someone is a sin, therefore that sin will grow up and become a bigger sin, compounding into so many sins that one is left wondering what happened by the end of it.
  4. Christ Jesus was the walking talking expression of forgiveness, and because I belong to him I too must mimic His steps.
  5. Forgiving one another is being obedient to God's command in that we are to love one another.
  6. True forgiveness is forgetting the errors another sinner made toward me, set them on fire, so that it appears the offenses never existed in the first place.
  7. Being in close proximity to another sinner gives much practice in the art of forgiveness.  Be thankful for those with whom God has you living with!
  8. It's all about God, what He has done, is doing, and our relevance to His plan according to the ultimate transgression since the garden of Eden.
  9. To live a life keeping score is to forget the sacrifice my Creator has gifted His people with.
  10. How truly free one is when the art of forgiveness is put into application.
It's a work in progress.

I know I will be learning this art more and more, and using my skills that The Lord blesses me with to keep up with the application of His word.  I pray that your heart in turn will be opened by His hand and the healing that He alone can do will begin.  That is His promise.  He is faithful.  Thank You Father!


  1. You are absolutely right. But, can a full and complete forgiveness be given without repentance?

    Should "Sorry." be enough?

    In other words, can there be a time when it is inappropriate and contrary to God's word to forgive?

  2. We were forgiven while yet hating God.

    So yes, full and complete forgiveness can be given without repentance, and should be given.

    That is merciful.

  3. You are right, but I would suggest in only this: We must always have in us a willingness to forgive, a full realization that we, as believers, have been forgiven much. The desire to withhold forgiveness is sin, and does not exhibit grace applied, but grace denied.


    We also cannot exclude the first word out of our Lord's mouth when He began His public ministry, found in Mt4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

    The question then becomes, did Jesus forgive without there being repentance? We know He groaned inwardly and is unwilling that any should perish. But. Where do those unrepentant ones go?

  4. Where does repentance come from?

  5. Sorry for delay. Had to go in the fridge and grab an apple. To answer your question "Where does repentance come from", we must first fully get the answer to this question: "Where did the apple come from?"

    The quick answer - no, you'll have to not be satisfied with a quick answer. Think it out fully. Start with this thought - did the apple get in the fridge by itself?

  6. Are you really eating an apple? ;)

    Repentance is a result of discipline from a merciful God. It can only come from God. There is no other source.

    I am confused in what you have been trying to say, because you agree with me.

    My post is about forgiveness, and how merciful the action is to be given without any show of repentance from the offender.

    That is what God did, and what Jesus Christ taught.

  7. Pr 20:5 The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.

    Yes, of course I agree with you. But, to be blunt, you have not yet(in my humble opinion) fully drawn out the fullness of what forgiveness is. Say I hold a full glass of water in my hand. You say, "I see you have a half-glass of water there." I can respond, "I agree with you. But..." and then attempt to draw out your understanding of what a 'full' glass of water is.

    Here is the "but" addition to my agreeing with you: God does not grant forgiveness to unrepentant sinners. It is not what God did, and is not what Jesus taught. Be careful of claims you make on behalf of the Lord. There is no "easy believism" and no "cheap grace". Reconciliation cost God the life of His Son, yet the reconciliation was, is and will be for the "elect", not for everyone.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. By no work of their own means just that.

    God chose who He chose because He chose them.

    No more, no less.

    Because the elect understand the profound grace given from being forgiven, this forgiveness must be passed around.

    WE (the royal we) do not know who the elect are...and that is why we are commanded to not make distinctions and to forgive even the smallest infraction easily and willingly because we were forgiven so much more.

    That was what my post was about.


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