Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hazardous Dogma

Is being knowledgeable dangerous?
I read this blog post and it really resounded with me and reminded me of the people who had recently left our local Church.  We lost 10 members in the span of a year.  Some people would call that a disaster, while we look at it as Gods hand delivering us from major blasphemy.  Our leadership took biblical action and each of these people agreed to go through a process of prayer and learning, when all the while they were just storing up ammo for the last day when they tried to take the Eldership down.  They tried to trip up our Pastor on many occasions, even after they left we pursued them for a time: This happening made it abundantly clear that we can not wink at sin.  We can not ignore a person's refusal to change their understanding or a lack of a continual renewal of their minds. Romans 12:2.  If someone has to hold on to a certain doctrine that diminishes Christs work, that should send up red flags all over the place.  Four of these people were considered exceptionally knowledgeable, pillars of the community, and 6 were casualties that bought into the lies they were fed because they didn't know enough.

I have been accused more than once through my life of being a know-it-all.  While I would hardly say I do, what I have written about thus far I believe to be true.  What these prosecutors don't know, or realize, is that I am open to correction, I am humbled in the knowledge I've been given this far, because I will never know enough to satisfy any man.  That is good and right because that is how God designed knowledge--there is more to be had.  I am a very secure person, over confidant sometimes, and this can be an excellent asset or my largest defect.  I am so sure of what I say, I can come off pretty harsh.  I have every reason to believe that is why I haven't been called to teach, and why I would be more than reluctant if I was ask to.  I am not disciplined enough to avoid taking a two-by-four and hitting my listeners on the head with it, however accurate what I am saying may be.  It slips my mind that not everyone knows what I do, like I in turn don't know what everyone else does.  The Lord is certainly working on me, and I am extremely grateful to see this about myself.  I think it funny that the threats I receive from people is my dirty laundry being posted to the whole world, and while most people would shrink back from that (eek!)  I welcome another take on how I am perceived from another source.  Why?  So that I can gather the information given to me, repent, and ask God to change it.  He answers prayer, oh yes He does!  Sometimes immediately and sometimes not so quick, but never is a prayer not answered.  'No' is an answer isn't it?  Any parent can attest to that.

What is hazardous about mis-using knowledge is to build up walls and barriers to those whom God has placed in your life for your own good.  Just like children, we need correction, and discipline.  Everything that happens to us should bring us to repentance.  That sounds like I'm saying we should always be sad and down on ourselves, but I am saying the exact opposite.  How refreshing and wonderful to see ourselves as we are, own it, accept it, and understand more fully what Grace and Love the cross expresses!  Titus 3:5.   The more knowledge I procure, the more I realize how little I know, 1 Corinthians 8:2.  How child-like that makes me seem!  But that is good.  1 Peter 1:14.

FactsMeaningWhat to Do Next

True applicable knowledge is from God. 2 Chronicles 1:12, James 1:5.
We are to obtain knowledge. Prov 8:11,  Prov 9:6, Prov 13:20, Prov 19:8, Matt 10:16.
We are to use this knowledge to glorify God and be obedient to His word.  James 3:13-18, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, 1 Corinthians 3:19-23.
Matthew 11:25 sums it up well.
Gaining knowledge is good and fair, it's the motivation behind the building of our knowledge that is revealing.  Is it truly from God, or is it from the world? (Tree of knowledge of good and evil.)
Be careful my friend to not jump to conclusions when a fellow believer pours out their heart and it seems that they have all the answers.  Like you, I am going to fail at time's and not get the point across as clearly as I had meant to.  Only The Holy Spirit can convict and teach what is Gods will.  God has set up a certain method of how we are to receive these convictions and teachings, and yes it is by other human beings put in your life, beginning with your Church and the leaders called and appointed by The Lord.
Thinking knowledge is only for the proud is hazardous to your spiritual health.
Philippians 3:16 only, whereunto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk.

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